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complementary dnasの例文


  • A complementary DNA encoding protease that carries out this cleavage has been cloned.
  • The resulting cDNA ( complementary DNA ) encodes the extein along with the intein.
  • Several applications have been developed that interrogate SNPs by hybridizing complementary DNA probes to the SNP site.
  • The complementary DNA ( cDNA ) of human MMP7 was isolated in 1988 by Muller et al.
  • The enzyme uses the viral RNA genome as a template for the synthesis of a complementary DNA copy.
  • However, the Supreme Court also decided that complementary DNA can be patented because it is not naturally occurring.
  • Traditionally DNA microarrays use complementary DNA or oligonucleotide probes to analyze messenger RNA ( mRNA ) from genes of interest.
  • This method consists of hybridizing a labeled complementary DNA or RNA strand to a specific DNA or RNA in the tissue.
  • First of all, the reverse transcriptase synthesizes viral DNA from viral RNA, and then from newly made complementary DNA strand.
  • A sample of mRNA are first converted to complementary DNA ( cDNA ) using reverse transcriptase, which makes subsequent manipulations easier.
  • The general steps to prepare a complementary DNA ( cDNA ) library for sequencing are described below, but often vary between platforms.
  • Here, the two strands are separated and then each strand's complementary DNA sequence is recreated by an enzyme called DNA polymerase.
  • In the case of HIV, reverse transcriptase is responsible for synthesizing a complementary DNA strand ( cDNA ) to the viral RNA genome.
  • As noted above, the probe is either a labeled complementary DNA or, now most commonly, a complementary RNA ( riboprobe ).
  • On the leading strand, DNA polymerase can make a complementary DNA strand without any difficulty because it goes from 5'to 3 '.
  • Complementary DNA can be processed the same way as genomic DNA, allowing the expression levels of RNAs to be determined for the tissue selected.
  • Moreover, analysis of their complementary DNA and ribosomal RNA revealed that the hybrids have very differential gene expressions compared to those in gray wolf controls.
  • This complementary DNA, as it is called, can be sequenced in the form of short fragments that are called ESTs, for expressed sequence tags.
  • During NHEJ, very short stretches of complementary DNA, 1 bp or more at a time, are hybridized together, and the overhangs are removed.
  • The complementary DNA ( cDNA ) of the RPSA gene is formed by the assembly of seven exons, six of which correspond to the coding sequence.
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